8 de maio de 2013

universal expanding

E Orlando continua crescendo!
Foi anunciado hoje, a abertura da nova ala do parque do Harry Potter, no Universal Studios, a ser inaugurada em 2014. Lojas, restaurantes e uma nova atração baseada no banco Gringotts.
Bora pra Disney mais uma vez!!!

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
The Adventure Continues
Diagon Alley | Coming to Universal Orlando Resort in 2014
Diagon Alley will bring to life the famous London location from the Harry Potter books and movies
Featuring: Diagon Alley, themed restaurant and a new attraction based on Gringotts bank
Located within Universal Studios Florida
You'll be able to travel between King's Cross station in London to Hogsmeade, aboard the Hogwarts Express.
Universal Orlando Resort